About the Journal

Acta Psychedelica: A peer-reviewed fully open-access journal for psychedelic research

Acta Psychedelica is a multidisciplinary forum for the publication of scientific knowledge on psychedelic substances and experiences. The journal is committed to advancing scientific literature on the effects of psychedelic substances as well as their broader societal and ethical implications.

The topic of psychedelics spans a wide range of disciplines from psychopharmacology, neurobiology, and psychology to sociology, anthropology, philosophy, and bioethics. In addition to empirical work in the natural and social sciences, we are also receptive to theoretical discussions of ethics, metaphysics, and religion. Conceptual or policy papers on the legal status of psychedelics or related social questions are also welcomed.

By fostering academic rigor and open dialogue, Acta Psychedelica seeks to advance our understanding of psychedelics and their prospective roles in the world. The journal particularly welcomes research that is critical, crosses disciplinary boundaries, and addresses neglected or controversial issues. We invite researchers and scholars from diverse fields to contribute to this exciting and rapidly evolving field of study.

Acta Psychedelica welcomes submissions in the following types:

  • Research article (including literature reviews, case reports, etc.)
  • Book reviews
  • Essays and commentaries

We accept contributions in English, Finnish, and Swedish.

Acta Psychedelica is committed to maintaining the highest level of integrity in the content published. This journal practices double-blind peer review, encourages open availability of research data, and has a competing interests policy in place. The journal is published by the Finnish Association for Psychedelic Research.